DNA Test While Pregnant

Learn about DNA Test While Pregnant
If you are pregnant but still not sure about the baby's father, then you can perhaps consider a prenatal paternity test. DNA Test if pregnant can accurately tell you whether a man you suspect to be your baby's father is really its biological father. After years of genetic research, we are proud to announce the new NON INVASIVE prenatal paternity test. Pregnant women will now be able to have a paternity test on their unborn child at as early as 5 weeks of gestation, and it is called the non invasive prenatal test.

Until recently, prenatal DNA testing was an invasive procedure that was done using the amniocenteses fluid or C. V. S. Thanks to modern genetic testing this new prenatal test uses fetal cell-free DNA (cfDNA) found in the mother’s bloodstream. The procedure is not invasive and safe for both fetus and mother. Results are 99.9% accurate and we do not have any false positive results.

Gnom has been involved with DNA testing for over a decade and considered us as one of the top D.N.A Testing Laboratories in the US. With over 3000 collections sites throughout the country. You can be confident you will receive the utmost care, consideration, and confidentiality by using our services.
- Best Eli,O the Gnom® Founder
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